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Cruise For Free (8891 hits)

More information coming soon! In a nut shell, if you assist us in the marketing of the cruise (eg telling your friends, family, promoting at clubs or events) you can get your cruise paid for and all you have to do is get yourself down to the departure city. Please check back with us on the program soon.

Want to go on the HBCU Alumni Cruise for free*? HBCUConnect is offering a special cruise promotion that will let you travel with us as we sail the seas and have fun in the sun. Whether you are an individual, a club promoter, or networking group manager, we have a program that would get you cruising with us without you having to pay* for your room.

The Cruise For Free* Program is simple ... get other people to cruise with us. For every 15 people you get to sail with us, we will pay for your cruise*. Get 30 people to join us on the cruise and get a double occupancy room or 2 spots on the cruise! And so on ... and so on ...

All you have to do is sign up with us as a promoter and choose a code that can be used on all of your promotions. The code is very important. When you get people to sign up for the cruise, give them your unique code to use when they sign up. That way, that sign-up can go under your name and added to your pool of cruisers.

Simple enough, huh? If you get a family with children to go on the cruise, your numbers will count not only all adults going, but all children (*no matter how old*) as well. Got a family of 5 to go? You are a third of the way there! If you are going to take a vacation, use that vacation to have the best time of your life, with us, and for FREE!

To sign up for this program, send an e-mail to culpepper@hbcuconnect.com regarding the Cruise For Free Program. In the e-mail include to following information:

Name (First and Last)
E-mail address
Mailing address (street, city, state, zip)
School, HBCU, or Organization representing (optional)
Type of Promoter (individual, night club/event, PR specialist, alumni affairs, other)
Contact phone number
and Unique Special Code preferred.

The code should be between 5 and 9 characters, if possible.

* For every 15 people booked (not including the promoter), the Cruise For Free program pays "cruise only" berth fees for one passenger in a double occupancy, interior room on the current advertised cruise promotion. Does not include government fees and taxes, docking fees, vacation insurance protection, nor does it include any other expenses as it relates to the cruise. Does not include airfare or hotel stays. The cruiser will be responsible for any additional expenses, including upgrading rooms. Cruiser is also responsible for the expenses to book the entire room if the double occupancy room is not berthed before payments are due; as stated, we only pay for one passenger - not the entire room. The entire room is paid for when 2 people occupy a single cabin and all payments have been made.
Posted By: Reginald Culpepper
Saturday, September 10th 2011 at 11:46AM
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